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It depends on whether they are both moving or if one is stationary and the other is moving.

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Q: A golf ball hits a tennis ball The golf ball stops but the tennis ball rolls away What kind of example is this Grvitaion Conservation of momentum Equal and opposite forces or velocity?
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Why two objects move in opposite direction one will have positive momentum and other negative momentum?

When two objects move in opposite directions, their momenta have opposite signs because momentum is a vector quantity. One object will have positive momentum in the direction it is moving, while the other will have negative momentum in the opposite direction. This is due to the conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant.

When two object is move in opposite direction one will have positive and other have negative momentum why?

When two objects move in opposite directions, they will have equal magnitudes of momentum but opposite signs because momentum is a vector quantity with direction. The object moving in one direction will have positive momentum, while the object moving in the opposite direction will have negative momentum. The total momentum of the system remains conserved.

Why does velocity stay constant with decreasing momentum?

Velocity remains constant when momentum decreases because momentum is the product of mass and velocity. As long as mass remains constant, a decrease in momentum can be offset by a corresponding increase in velocity, keeping the overall product constant. This relationship is described by the principle of conservation of momentum.

Can momentum have a negative velocity?

Yes, momentum can have a negative velocity. Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. A negative velocity indicates that the object is moving in the opposite direction of the chosen coordinate system, resulting in momentum with a negative velocity component.

A 5g bullet is fired from a 500g if the bullet leaves the gun going 800ms with what speed does it recoil?

Using the principle of conservation of momentum, the momentum of the bullet before the gunshot is equal to the momentum of the bullet and gun after the shot. Calculating the recoil velocity using this principle shows that the gun will recoil at 1.6 m/s in the opposite direction.

What is the recoil velocity of the pistol when a bullet of mass 20g is fired with a velocity 150ms from a pistol of mass 2kg?

The recoil velocity of the pistol can be calculated using the law of conservation of momentum. The initial momentum is 0 (since the system is not moving initially), and the final momentum is the sum of the momenta of the bullet and the pistol together. Therefore, the recoil velocity of the pistol would be 1.5 m/s in the opposite direction to the bullet's velocity.

How do you calculate the new velocity so that momentum remains same?

apply conservation of momentum theory- m1v1=m2v2 where m1 is the initial mass, m2 is the final mass, v1 is the initial velocity and v2 is the final velocity.

50 kg astronaut eject 100 g of gas from his propulsion pistol at a velocity of 50 ms what is his resulting velocity?

The momentum of the astronaut before firing the gas is 0 (since he is at rest), while the momentum of the gas is (0.1 kg * 50 m/s) = 5 kgm/s. According to the Law of Conservation of Momentum, the total momentum before and after firing must be equal. Therefore, the astronaut will have a velocity in the opposite direction, calculated as (5 kgm/s) / 50 kg = 0.1 m/s in the direction opposite to the gas.

What is the related to momentum?

Momentum is a vector quantity that represents the amount of motion an object possesses. It is related to an object's mass and velocity, as momentum equals the product of an object's mass and its velocity. The principle of conservation of momentum states that in a closed system, the total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision.

How does a rocket travel?

A rocket moves through space by pushing exhaust gases out of its engine in the opposite direction with great force, according to Newton's Third Law of Motion. This generates thrust that propels the rocket forward. By continuously firing its engines and adjusting its trajectory, a rocket can navigate through space to reach its destination.

Find velocity after impact of body with a fixed plane?

To find the velocity after impact of a body with a fixed plane, you can use the principle of conservation of momentum. This principle states that the total momentum before the impact is equal to the total momentum after the impact. By setting up the momentum equation before and after the impact, you can solve for the velocity after impact.

What is the relationship between momentum and law of conservation of momentum?

The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant if no external forces are acting on it. Momentum itself is the product of an object's mass and velocity. Therefore, the relationship between momentum and the law of conservation of momentum is that the total momentum of a system before a collision or interaction must be equal to the total momentum after the collision or interaction.