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Mechanical Energy

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Q: A bowling ball striking the pins is an example of which type of energy?
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The energy associated with a bowling ball knocking down bowling pins is?

kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. When the bowling ball is released and rolls towards the pins, it carries kinetic energy that is transferred upon impact, causing the pins to move.

What must robin do to increase the kinetic energy of the bowling ball?

thow the bowling ball as hard as u can

Which device is used for converting potential energy into kinetic energy?

A turbine is a device commonly used for converting potential energy (such as from falling water or steam) into kinetic energy. The turbine blades are turned by the flowing fluid, transferring the potential energy into rotational motion.

Why is a bowling ball hard to stop?

It has impressive rotational kinetic energy as well as linear kinetic energy. Example, a 7 kg diameter 0.25 metre diameter bowling ball travelling at 10 metres / second, has a linear KE of 350 joules, and also a rotating KE of 140 joules, both of these have to be arrested upon stopping the bowling ball.

When does a bowling ball have energy?

After you have released it, it has kinetic energy = 1/2mv2

Are you allowed to get things engraved in bowling balls?

Yes, you are allowed to get things engraved into a bowling ball. For example, you can get your name, last name or a nickname into the bowling ball. You can't get a picture engraved into a bowling ball because once it is engraved, it stay's that way. When you get a picture in a bowling ball, it takes away the purpose with the bowling ball.

The boncy ball rubber ball and a bowling ball are about to dropped in the height which has more gravitational potential energy?

The most massive one. That's PROBABLY the bowling ball.

When a bowling ball hits the pins at the end of the what energy from the ball is?

Answer=Transferred to the pins.

What is an example of close skills?

striking a stationary ball

Why will the adults bowling ball have more kinetic energy than a students?

The adult's bowling ball will have more kinetic energy because it has more mass and is likely moving at a higher velocity compared to the student's bowling ball. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to an object's mass and the square of its velocity, so a heavier ball moving faster will have greater kinetic energy.

Example of kinetic energy?

Anything that had potential energy then converted to kinetic energy. A good example would a ball. If you are playing bowling and you are swinging the ball backwards and about to through it foward, the ball has potential energy. Once you release it, and while the ball is falling it has kinetic energy. The energy of the changes from potential to kinetic energy. Hope this helps XD

Which one would go faster with the same kinectic energy bowling ball or a golf ball?

The golf ball would go faster because it has less mass compared to the bowling ball but the same kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of an object is determined by both its mass and its velocity, so the lighter golf ball would be able to achieve a higher velocity with the same amount of kinetic energy as the heavier bowling ball.