Golf is not an Olympic sport...
Sorry, originally. the question asked about Olympic sports but was later changed. I was contemplating deleting "Olympic" from my addition but, expecting that would probably elicit opinions from people who consider golf a deference to them, I will concede that a low score is what wins a golf match. That may be construed as "going backwards".
Sculling is...and you row facing backwards. See link
Backstroke Boxing Tug o War
Israel has won the majority of their Olympic medals in the sports of Judo and Sailing. 3 medalswere won in Judo and 3 medals were won in Sailing.
Ian Ferguson
5 Gold, 3 Silver and 5 Bronze. A number of Gold Medals were won the the various water speed sports, rowing and kayaking.
Rowdy Gaines
Setanta sports. England won 3-1
You can not move backward by rolling hte dice in monopoly. The first way is to get a community chess card that says move back 3 spaces. Another way is to go to jail, but that is not technically "moving" backwards.
1. Boxing 2. Basketball 3. Lawn Tennis 4. Swimming 5. Football
Tom has won a young sports personality award at the BBC 3 times to date: In 2007 aged 13, in 2009 aged 15 and 2010 aged 16.
Ian Ferguson
Just the 3 basicsGravity to keep the car to the groundthrust to move the car forwardair resistance to move the car backwards