(23.1807 mile)/hour
200 in 19.30. =
(200 meters / 19.3 seconds) x (3,600 seconds/hour) / (1,609.344 meters/mile) = 23.18 mph (rounded)
1000 meters in 60.6 seconds = 36.91 mph
100 meters per 15.00 seconds = 14.91 mph
120 meters in 5 seconds works out to 24 meters per second or 53.7 mph
100 meters / 11 seconds = 20.336 mph (rounded)
correct answer is 136.3636363636 MPH
22.3693 mph
17.2072 mph
14.05 mph
1) There are 1609.34 meters in one mile. 1609.34 is 8.05 times more than 200. So take the time that the runner ran the race in and multiply it by 8.05. 2) There are 3600 seconds in an hour. Divide the product you got from multiplying the race time by 8.05 into 3600 and you will get the MPH of the time. EXAMPLE: Someone runs the 200 meter race in 20 seconds flat. Multiply 20 seconds by 8.05 and you get 161. Divide 161 into 3600 and you get 22.36. A runner who ran the 200 meters in 20 seconds flat ran at 22.36 MPH.
1,200 meters in 6 minutes 24 seconds converts to 7 mph