Actually, no.
But in Alsace and in Lorraine regions, people celebrates it and it called Saint-Etienne
Boxing Day does not exist in France and nearly nobody knows about that. Hence the absence of French translation.
no, that does not exist in France
Boxing day is when people left boxes of gifts for the homeless.
people donate their time, service and money to the people in need on Boxing Day.
You can donate your time, service and money to the people in need on Boxing day
Boxing day was put on December 26 when people gave boxes of gifts.
Most people in the United States do not celebrate the holiday of Boxing Day. The French Independence Day and Greek Independence Day are holidays that are not celebrated in the United States.
No, it is actually a day when people would receive presents. The presents were in boxes, giving boxing day its name.
Boxing Day is not a public holiday in the Philippines, but it is known as a special non-working day for many people.
The British and people of many other nations call it "Boxing Day". For countries that do not recognise "Boxing Day", it is commonly referred to as either St Stephen's Day or the Second Day of Christmas.
Boxing day is a public holiday with retailers open, holding massive sales, and exploiting people's materialism.
It is estimated that around 230,000 people lost their lives in Indonesia as a result of the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.