They were held in Olympia because the athleticism of the games was a form of worship. So they built a temple to Zeus and a stadium at Olympia to host these games. (Note that it is on the opposite side of Greece, the southwest, from the similarly-named Mount Olympus, in NE Greece.)
As a festival to the god Zeus at his temple at Olympia in southern Greece.
The Olympic Games were held in Olympia (Eli) because it was believed that Zeus picked Olympia by throwing a thunderbolt at the spot of Olympia, scorching the Earth.
In Pausanias' Olympiads he says that the scorch of the Earth by Zeus is covered by a bronze vase in the Temple of Olympian Zeus
It was a festival for Zeus, held at his temple in Olympia in Elis southern Greece.
The Olympics are called the Olympics because of the fact that they were originally held in Olympia.
It was first held in Mount Olympia, In Greece.
Chariot racing.
The ancient Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece.
At the temple of Zeus, in whose honour they were held, at Olympia in Elis, southern Greece.
the original Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece.
It was first held in Mount Olympia, In Greece.
Olympia, Greece.
They were held at Olympia, Greece.
Olympia ,Greece in 766 BC
It was held in Olympia, Greece.
in a wooden box.
the original Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece.
it was held in greece in Olympia
The first Olympics were held in Olympia in Acient Greece.