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because they had the support of public.

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Q: Why were the Bolsheviks able to take over the provisonal government?
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Who did the Bolsheviks sieze power from?

They took over from the Provisional Government.

Who were Russian revolutionaries who took control of the government in November 1917 and pledged to make peace with Germany?

Bolsheviks, who took over in the Russian October Revolution of 1917. a very bad group indeed. Bolsheviks Bolsheviks Bolsheviks Bolsheviks

Did the whites take over Russian government in 1917?

No, the Red faction took over the government in 1917.

What group overthrew the Russian government during the Russian revolution?

The communist Bolsheviks took over during the November Revolution.

Who allowed Bolsheviks to take over Russian government?

No one allowed it to happen. They took over during the Russian revolution.

When the Bolsheviks took over the Russian government in 1917 they moved the Russian capital FROM where TO where?

From St. Petersburg to Moscow.

Russian revolution who ran the government while Nicholas was away?

in October 1917 Bolsheviks over threw the government to run Russia after Nicholas

How did the Bolsheviks defeat the Mensheviks in the Russian Revolution?

The Bolsheviks, a smaller party than the Mensheviks, took over the official buildings, like banks and post offices, in the Russian capital of Petrograd. They then inavded the Kremlin and forced the Provisional Government to surrender.

What was the name of the ruler of Russia before the bolshevik's took over?

Alexander Kerensky was the head of the Provisional Government when the Bolsheviks took over. Before him Prince Georgi Lvov headed the Provisional Government. Just prior to the Provisional Government, Tsar Nicholas II was the ruler of Russia.

Did the Bolsheviks take over after the Russian revolution?

The Bolsheviks took over after the second revolution in 1917, called the October Revolution. They did not take over after the first or February Revolution of 1917.

What was the Winter Palace for in Russia in 1917?

The Winter Palace was the headquarters for the Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks did not like how the government was being run so they wanted to take over. A major thing they wanted to change was to take them out of the war.

When did Lenin's Bolsheviks come into power in Russia?

Lenin and the Bolsheviks came into power on October 26, the culmination of the two day October Revolution. Prior to that, the Russian Provisional Government was in power. Arrest warrants were out for Lenin since July, 1917 and he had to flee the country to Finland to avoid capture. He snuck back in under disguise to organize the October insurrection which brought him and the Bolsheviks into power.