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Jaws was a groundbreaking film in many ways. It was the first film to depict non-ficticious, aquatic creatures in violent confrontation with man. When it was first screened there were reports of people running from the cinimas in fright, and an irrational fear of water developed across America. People were known to be afraid to sit on the toilet or turn on a tap (presumably incase a giant man-eating shark came out of it!) European screenings produced a less hysterical reaction but a reaction nontheless. If memory serves it was also the first film to gross over 1million U.S dollars in the box office on its premier night.

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Q: Why was jaws important in the 1970s?
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Why is Jaws important?

Jaws are important to help keep our bodies together and to help us chew our food

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The phylum Chordata has jaws and skulls that are important in their evolution. These features allowed for more efficient feeding and protection, leading to the diversification and success of this phylum in various environments.

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so they can eat.

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The evolution of jaws is believed to be used originally for respiratory purposes. However, it is important to the history of vertebrates mainly because it allowed for more efficient eating.

Why is the jaw important?

Jaws are important to help keep our bodies together and to help us chew our food

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Is jaws 5 out?

there isn't a jaws 5 theres jaws jaws 2 jaws 3 jaws returns

What are the names of the Jaws movies that have been made?

Jaws, Jaws 2, Jaws 3, and Jaws: The Revenge.

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There were three sequels which followed the original Jaws(1975) film-- Jaws 2 (1978), Jaws 3-D (1983) and Jaws: The Revenge (1987). None of the sequels were directed by Steven Spielberg, the director of the original Jaws.