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Because it never actually tried to make it a part of the USSR.

The official position was that the Soviet contingent was there to assist the Afghan government at their request. Realistically, they were trying to shore up a regime friendly to the Soviet state in order to have some control over the place, but that is a far cry from outright annexation.

The Soviet military effort had many of the same problems that everyone else from Alexander the great to Mongols to the British Empire had and which US is having today. Afghanistan is a mountainous area with few roads. It is populated by very strong willed people who put up great resistance and use the terrain to their advantage. Supply lines are long and vulnerable to guerrilla attacks.

Also, the resistance had help from the CIA in the form of money and weapons. Ironically, much of that weaponry is probably being used against US and other coalition forces today.

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Q: Why was Russia unsuccessful in its attempt to make Afhganistan part of the Soviet Union?
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