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the Roman entertainment was extreamly blood thirsty because there entertainment was mainly gladiators.They put Christians in with the lions.

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Q: Why was Roman entertainment so violent?
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What are violent forms of entertainment?

Hip Hop.. :)

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Entertainment has become more graphic, violent, and erotic

How did Christianity contradict to roman civilization?

Christians refused to worship the emperor as a god and would not participate in the pagan state religions. Also Christians were critical of Roman entertainments such as orgies and violent forms of entertainment. Christians predicted (and perhaps caused) the fall of the Roman empire.

How has Roman entertainment influenced us?

The roman entertainment was very similar to ours from things like theatre to wrestling. Roman entertainment is so very similar here's a list of some of the things we do the same now: Theatre Racing Boxing Wresting Circus Hunting

When were Roman gladiators first used as entertainment?

Roman gladiators were used as entertainment in the year 264 B.C. The gladiators were used to kill each other and kill lions for the Roman peoples entertainment.

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Fought for the entertainment of the populace of Rome.

How did the Roman Empire have gladiator fights?

For entertainment.

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as entertainment

How many crimes have been committed because of violent entertainment?

This is an unknowable and unanswerable question.

Can watching violent sHows affect ones aggressiveness?

Not in itself. The Japanese are massive consumers of violent and pornographic entertainment, but the crime rates for crimes traditionally associated with this sort of consumption in N America and Europe, are very low in Japan. Violent entertainment, combined with the effects of social environment is a whole different ball-game.

Why did the ancient roman gladiators fight?

To be used for entertainment.