· As the war continued, people began to lose faith in the government. The people didn't trust the Tsarina as she was German and her close relationship with Rasputin caused a scandal. The Tsar wished to fight the bitter end of the war, but he soon failed as he lost his vital support, and his government was overthrown. · The existing Provisional Government was weak and unpopular among the workers, peasants and soldiers, but it was more unpopular with the Bolshevik Party who wanted power, so they stepped in and took it practically without firing a shot · On Nov. 7, 1917, Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution took place as forces led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky. · The Provisional Government was now replaced by an administration headed by Vladimir Lenin.
Lenin led communist revolutionaries to overthrow the provisional government of Russia in November 1917. This led to Russia having the first communist government in the world.
October 10 Lenin and the Bolshevik Central Committee decide to proceed with revolutionOctober 23 Provisional government acts to shut down all Bolshevik newspapersOctober 24 Provisional government deploys junkers Bolshevik troops begin to take over government buildings in the cityOctober 25 Kerensky escapes Petrograd Bolsheviks struggle all day long to capture Winter Palace Second Congress of Soviets convenesOctober 26 Provisional government is arrested early in the morning Lenin issues Decree on Peace and Decree on Land Congress approves Soviet of the People's Commissars, with all-Bolshevik membership, as new provisional government
If you mean during WW1, while the Provisional Government was in control of Russia, Lenin returned to Petrograd on the 16th April with the help of theGerman government (because the Germans figured that if the Bolsheviks were in power of Russia, they'd withdraw from the war and even if they failed to seize power, the turmoil in Russia could only help Germany's war aims).
The October Revolution of 1917 was led the Bolshevik Party. Vladimir Lenin led the party and the workers' Soviets to overthrow the Provisional Government in Petrograd.
The Bolsheviks won a majority in a number of key soviets including Petrograd, Moscow, and several other cities.
Lenin returned to Petrograd in April, 1917.
The October Revolution of 1917 was led the Bolshevik Party. Vladimir Lenin led the party and the workers' Soviets to overthrow the Provisional Government in Petrograd.
· As the war continued, people began to lose faith in the government. The people didn't trust the Tsarina as she was German and her close relationship with Rasputin caused a scandal. The Tsar wished to fight the bitter end of the war, but he soon failed as he lost his vital support, and his government was overthrown. · The existing Provisional Government was weak and unpopular among the workers, peasants and soldiers, but it was more unpopular with the Bolshevik Party who wanted power, so they stepped in and took it practically without firing a shot · On Nov. 7, 1917, Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution took place as forces led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky. · The Provisional Government was now replaced by an administration headed by Vladimir Lenin.
Lenin led communist revolutionaries to overthrow the provisional government of Russia in November 1917. This led to Russia having the first communist government in the world.
October 10 Lenin and the Bolshevik Central Committee decide to proceed with revolutionOctober 23 Provisional government acts to shut down all Bolshevik newspapersOctober 24 Provisional government deploys junkers Bolshevik troops begin to take over government buildings in the cityOctober 25 Kerensky escapes Petrograd Bolsheviks struggle all day long to capture Winter Palace Second Congress of Soviets convenesOctober 26 Provisional government is arrested early in the morning Lenin issues Decree on Peace and Decree on Land Congress approves Soviet of the People's Commissars, with all-Bolshevik membership, as new provisional government
October 10 Lenin and the Bolshevik Central Committee decide to proceed with revolutionOctober 23 Provisional government acts to shut down all Bolshevik newspapersOctober 24 Provisional government deploys junkers Bolshevik troops begin to take over government buildings in the cityOctober 25 Kerensky escapes Petrograd Bolsheviks struggle all day long to capture Winter Palace Second Congress of Soviets convenesOctober 26 Provisional government is arrested early in the morning Lenin issues Decree on Peace and Decree on Land Congress approves Soviet of the People's Commissars, with all-Bolshevik membership, as new provisional government
If you mean during WW1, while the Provisional Government was in control of Russia, Lenin returned to Petrograd on the 16th April with the help of theGerman government (because the Germans figured that if the Bolsheviks were in power of Russia, they'd withdraw from the war and even if they failed to seize power, the turmoil in Russia could only help Germany's war aims).
On 3-4 July, 1917, some Mensheviks and the Socialist Revolutionaries begin an attempted takeover of the Petrograd Soviet to force it to take over the Provisional Government. Lenin was against it, saying the time was not yet ripe but the Bolsheviks had to join in anyway. The July Movement failed when the Petrograd Soviet refused to do anything. Vladimir Lenin was forced to flee Russia to Finland to hide out since he was leader of the Bolsheviks. Lenin shaved his beard and wore a wig in order to keep from being recognized and later slipped back into the country.
They overthrew the Provisional Government of Russia.