The number 3 is available to choose in Basketball. Chris Paul and Dwyane Wade currently done the number.
Here are a few that I know of... Dwayne Wade, Allen Iverson. I'm not sure of any others that were great with the number 3
A pickup game!
the number the greatest player wore 23
That is the patent number for the first basketball. The person credited with inventing the basketball was G.L. Pierce.
Dwayne wade
The official number of referees in an NBA game or collegiate basketball is 3. The referees are the officers in charge of a basketball game and the final decision lies within their power.
Ruth Riley's basketball number is currently 00.
Here are a few that I know of... Dwayne Wade, Allen Iverson. I'm not sure of any others that were great with the number 3
I would like to find out what Troy Bell basketball cards are worth. #3 Grizzlies for memphis. Card number 229/499
You can write whatever their number is and then write 'and #1 in my heart.' example: #3 on the court: #1 in my heart.<3
There is no connection between a basketball player's number and the position he or she plays.
3 on 3 Basketball - 1994 VG was released on: USA: 1994
His college basketball unifiorm number was 14, same as Shawn Mosely's number on the current squad.
interesting things about basketball