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There has been a clear distinction between men and women and the sports in which they participate. The national will does not seem to desire a coed or mixed gender professional team sport.

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Q: Why is there no mixed gender professional team?
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How does gender affect what sports you play?

Gender also has an effect on physical activities because most sports are separated into two teams, a boys team and a girls team. In the case of professional sports like basketball, it is impossible for a female to play on a men's basketball team; it is also impossible for a male to play on a woman's basketball team.

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This depends on their age. If the players are children then a mixed gender team is not going to give an advantage/disadvantage to any person or team. However, if the players were adults the teams should only be single gender because of the muscle mass in a man being vastly different to a womans. This is also for safety.

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Should boys and girls be on the same sports team?

This depends on their age. If the players are children then a mixed gender team is not going to give an advantage/disadvantage to any person or team. However, if the players were adults the teams should only be single gender because of the muscle mass in a man being vastly different to a womans. This is also for safety.

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Any two drivers who are eligible to run team and wish to team together can. Swift does not - and legally cannot - force a mixed gender team to run together against the wishes of one or both drivers.

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A suitable gender-neutral email greeting for professional communication is "Hello" or "Greetings."

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Pittsburgh's second professional football team is the Pittsburgh Passion. They are a professional football team they are womens though. There is not a second Pittsburgh mens professional football team.

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