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the working class majority

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Q: Why is the organization of the Proletariat into a political class and their subsequent revolution necessary?
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What did Karl Marx see as the dual elements within the proletariat?

For Karl Marx the proletariat constituted the living embodiment of all the evils and all the promises of capitalism. As painful as capitalism was to the working class, that economic system was necessary to bring about the workers' revolution and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

What major work of Marxist literature did Lenin publish in 1902?

Lenin published "What Is to Be Done?" in 1902. This work outlined his views on the necessary role of a vanguard party in leading the proletariat to revolution.

Should the bourgeois system must be overthrown by the proletariat?

This viewpoint is a key tenet of Marxist ideology, which argues for the working class (proletariat) to overthrow the capitalist system controlled by the bourgeoisie. According to Marx, this revolution would lead to a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively. However, whether or not this overthrow is necessary or achievable is a subject of ongoing debate and interpretation.

Was the revolution in agriculture necessary to industrial revolution?

Yes, it was necessary because the inventions that were created had help aid the industrial revolution

Was the revolution in the agriculture necessary to the industrial Revolution?

Yes, it was necessary because the inventions that were created had help aid the industrial revolution

How would you summarize marx's theory as expressed in the communist manifesto?

Marx's theory in the Communist Manifesto emphasizes the class struggle between the bourgeoisie (capitalist class) and the proletariat (working class). He argues that capitalism leads to exploitation of workers and that ultimately, the proletariat will rise up, overthrow the bourgeoisie, and establish a classless society where the means of production are commonly owned. Marx believed this revolution was inevitable and necessary for a more equitable and just society.

Was the revolution in agriculture necessary to the industrial revolution explain?

Yes, it was necessary because the inventions that were created had help aid the industrial revolution

Why is revolution not necessary for the change?

revolution is not necessary for change bcoz the society by droughts,winds,snow etc.

What philosopher's ideas are most closely associated with the term dictatorship of the proletariat?

Karl Marx coined the term "dictatorship of the proletariat" Ironically, it was not to be a dictatorship at all, but a democratic government. Marx called it the "dictatorship of the proletariat," but it would be a democratic government once the proletariat of workers revolted against the bourgeoisie and took over the means of production. Some form of government would still be necessary after the revolution. The "dictatorship" aspect meant that participation in it would be restricted to proletarians to the exclusion of the bourgeoisie. The main purposes would be to maintain order, but more importantly it would be to ensure the transition from capitalism to socialism by stamping out all vestiges of capitalism so that it would never return.

Is revolution necessary?

that depends on what type of revolution you're talking about...

Why the modification were necessary in organization?

because the modification means development, and organization is developing all the time. if you wan to keep the organization up to date, the modification is necessary.

How does Marx's concept of the modern state centered on?

For Karl Marx, his concept of a modern state is one where there is a high degree of industrialization. Along with this is a strong and large number of factory workers and strong trade unions. These are the ingredients necessary for a workers revolution, which results in the dictatorship of the proletariat. This is the first stage towards building a communist society.