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Turin is Torino in English.

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Q: Why is it called the Torino Olympics when it is actually in Turin Italy?
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Where was the last winter Olympics held?

Torino, ItalyThe 2006 Winter Olympics was held in Turin, Italy.

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Torino, Italy

2006 Winter Olympics where were they held?

Torino, Italy

Where were the 2006 Olympics held?

The 2006 Winter Olympics were held in Turin (aka Torino), Italy.

Where and when was the 2006 Olympics held?

Torino Italy No... Beijing

Which of the countries was the host of the 20th winter olympics in 2006?

The 2006 Winter Olympics were held in Turin (aka Torino), Italy.

Where were the last winter Olympics?

The last winter Olympics took place in in Torino,Italy[2006]

Where and was the 2006 Winter Olympics?

The 2006 Winter Olympics were held in Turin (aka Torino), Italy.

Where 20 th winter Olympics 2006 were conducted?

Torino, Italy

Where was the 2006 winter Olympics held city and county?

Torino, Italy.

Who host the winter Olympics in 2006?

The 2006 Winter Olympics were held in Turin (aka Torino), Italy.

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The 2006 Winter Olympics were held in Turin (aka Torino), Italy.