Nederlands is the Dutch name for our language (so it means Dutch in English).
Netherlands is the English name of our country
The 1928 Summer Olympics took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Originated in Netherlands also spelled Heesen
In 1809 the Netherlands faced off the British Empire in a bid to have her release her strangehold of dominance in the Americas. The upshot of the Netherlands being the defeated party spelled reparations: mainly relinguishing New Netherlands to the British; which immediately became renamed to New York.
The major religion for the Dutch in colonial times was Dutch Reformed Protestantism. The Dutch Reformed Church (Nederlands Hervormde Kerk) was the dominant religious institution in the Netherlands and was brought to the colonies by the Dutch settlers. It played a significant role in shaping the social and cultural life of the Dutch colonial society.
They are called the Dutch. Keep in mind that "Holland" is not the name of their nation; The nation is the Kingdom of the Netherlands of which North Holland and South Holland are provinces. There are twelve provinces in all. The current monarch is Queen Beatrix.
Indonesia was named 'Nederlands Indië' when they were ruled by the Dutch. 'Nederlands Indië' is in English 'Dutch India'.
'Nederlands nationaal voetbalelftal' is the Dutch equivalent of 'Netherlands National Football Team'.
Spain claimed the Netherlands for part of its history. The Netherlands also took part in the Hanseatic League at one time.
Yes, the Netherlands hosted the 9th Olympics in 1928.
Indonesia called Nederlands-Indië back then and Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao.
cheese is a popular ingredient in Holland. Actually doesn't the Netherlands eat anything because it's a country. But you can eat almost everything in the Netherlands. They have many cultures there.
In Amsterdam Netherlands we speak Nederlands or more commonly known as Dutch language. Our currency is "the Euro".
the Netherlands are called in Dutch Nederland. This comes from the fact that almost our whole country is below sealevel. You can translate ´low´ to our word neder. the Nederlands, the ´low lands´
No, they wouldn't. Holland is only a fairly small part of the Netherlands, so the Dutch word for Dutch is Nederlands, rather than Hollands.
The 1928 Summer Olympics took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum was created in 1656.