Lenin is remembered because of the notion he implanted in people; that the meek can still carry out a revolution. A lot of his political policies were based on social justice for all.
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist, he did not believe in God.
Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898
Lunch with Lenin was created in 2008.
Vladimir Lenin
Slightly different spelling is a character in the Battle Tech game. Other than that, he will best be remembered as the man that Lenin replaced.
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist, he did not believe in God.
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was the real name of the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. He adopted Lenin as his last name. Lenin was not a nickname. He was also referred to as Nikolai Lenin by close associates.
Lenin's body.
I think Lenin was succeeded by Stalin.
Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898
No, Vladimir Lenin is not single.
Lunch with Lenin was created in 2008.
Josef Stalin replaced Lenin in 1924
Vladimir Lenin lived in Russia.