American football has no official captains, just honorary captains.
dont know what it is
His dying command was 'dont give up the ship' during the war of 1812
i dont know do you?
Dont know the number but it was on parkview ave in the south Oakland section of Pittsburgh
well in starwars he is considered a good guy in the republic but when the galactic empire came he either became a stormtrooper captain or a rebel captain but they dont give information about it they dont tell about clones they only give information about obi wan anakin padme lei luke han chewie and darth vader and sideouse so hes is a good guy because the republic ages is when they show him
are u kidding me they dont deserve to be in the nfl i think any junior high team could beat them
Dont hate love them
Dont no
they dont
i dont no
because they dont have enough vitamuns
i dont know maybe you do and if you do then why do you ask in the first place i seriously dont know try asking me later because i dont know right at the moment try asking me later and i might know it then but i dont right now and i probaly wont know later either so dont even ask me
It was not. The captain of the Carpathia was not at fault. i dont see how it would be.
you dont
dont know what it is
I believe it comes with one of the patches.