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Because they hate America.

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Q: Why doesn't the university of Michigan display the American flag on the back of their fooball helmets?
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1994 auburn university fooball player?

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What kind of sport makes all your body work?

soccer/football not american fooball

Is fooball an americain sport?

football* american* and yes if you are talking about the <> shaped ball than yes it is, but other countries call soccer "futbol"

Who won fooball superstar?

The Rock

What is the nickname of a fooball field?

The gridiron.

What percent of high school boys in each state play fooball?

Did you mean American states, or Australian states? Did you mean any sort of football or specifically American, Australian Rules etc?

How do you say fooball in french?

"football" (masc.)

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Manchester City

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Is Tyson Cohen smith a great fooball player?

probably not