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medium is the matter a wave trvels through

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Q: Why does a mechanical wave need a medium?
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What are waves that need a medium?

mechanical wave

Does a mechanical wave need a medium?


Is a mechanical wave a sound wave?

Yes, a sound wave is a mechanical wave. Sound waves need a medium (like air) to travel through. The energy of the wave, the mechanical energy, is transferred into the medium through which it is propagated.

Waves that do require a medium are called?

Sound waves, they need a medium to vibrate.A2. Earthquake waves and other mechanical waves also need a medium for their transmission.Ghv. Tsunamis are a type of mechanical wave, which is the kind of wave you're looking for.

Why do we need mediums with regards to waves?

Wave is nothing but a transferring of disturbance. So it needs a medium. But if medium is to be material then the wave is named as mechanical wave. If medium is not to be a material and if free space is enough then the wave is found to be electromagnetic. Sound is a mechanical wave and light is an electromagnetic wave

Mechanical waves need a through which to transport energy?

Mechanical waves need a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to transport energy. This medium allows the wave to propagate by transferring energy from one point to another through a series of interactions between particles. Without a medium, mechanical waves cannot travel.

If the wave requires a medium then the wave is classified as a?

If the wave requires a medium then it is a mechanical wave.

What is a mechanical wave and a medium?

A mechanical wave is a type of wave that requires a medium, such as a solid, liquid, or gas, to propagate. The medium is the substance through which the wave travels, carrying energy from one place to another. Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

What is the opposite of mechanical wave?

The opposite of a mechanical wave is an electromagnetic wave. While mechanical waves require a medium to travel through (such as sound waves in air or water waves in the ocean), electromagnetic waves can propagate through a vacuum without the need for a medium.

What is a wave that requires a medium wave?

A mechanical wave, such as a sound wave or water wave, requires a medium (substance) to travel through. In a mechanical wave, the energy is transferred through the medium by the vibration of particles.

Is an ocean wave mechanical wave?

Yes, an ocean wave is a mechanical wave, since the water is the medium of the wave.

A wave that requires a medium to travel?

A mechanical wave, such as a sound wave or a water wave, requires a medium to travel because it relies on the vibration or movement of particles in the medium to propagate energy. Without a medium, these waves cannot transfer their energy.