When Basketball was first made it was used for a gym game and they put baskets on top of poles, that is where the name came from.
no they used a real basket insted of a net and basketball players used to wear tights.
The basket or basketball hoop is made out of steel, has a circular shape and with a net attached to it. It has a precise diameter of 18 inches.
The origins of basketball and the basketball net trace back to 1891, when an instructor at YMCA named Dr. James Naismith nailed a peach basket onto an elevated track. He also wrote basic rules for the game.
your own teams basket, it can also switch sides after a certain point
no because in basketball it is called a basket
Throw it into a BASKET (net) of course! its a game play object.
The two nouns that form basketball are the ball and the basket. The game was originally played by nailing a bushel basket to a pole, which has since been replaced by the hoop and net.
Ball 'n a basket! Some people call basketball "hoops".
no they used a real basket insted of a net and basketball players used to wear tights.
a game in which two teams of five players each compete to throw a ball through a hoop.
The basket or basketball hoop is made out of steel, has a circular shape and with a net attached to it. It has a precise diameter of 18 inches.
The origins of basketball and the basketball net trace back to 1891, when an instructor at YMCA named Dr. James Naismith nailed a peach basket onto an elevated track. He also wrote basic rules for the game.
ball= a rubber round ball that you use to shoot into the basket basket= a tall hole that lets the ball come through the hole net= part of the basket rim= the outside part of the basket
In Basketball you score by getting the ball through the centre of the hoop (ring, basket, net) and you can score from anywhere within the boundaries of the court.
Assuming that you mean basketball and just left out the "t" (instead of baseball and accidentally added a "k"), they call it le basket. To play basketball is jouer au basket.