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It is called a vuvuzela (vu-vu-zae-la). It is part of their tradition for soccer games.

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Just to make a noise andbe a nuisance.

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Q: Why do they blow the long plastic trumpet at world cup soccer games?
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What is the buzzing sound at the world cup soccer game?

It is a long plastic trumpet.

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What is buzzing during international soccer games?

If you were watching 2010 World Cup games, the buzzing sound you heard was almost certainly vuvuzelas. These plastic horns were present in the thousands throughout the World Cup in South Africa, and TV broadcasts never did manage to filter out that sound.

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soccer they are in the world cup

How does the use of the vuvuzela plastic trumpet affect the 2010 FIFA world cup?

The vuvuzela trumpet has a very irritating sound, causing headaches and making people drift away from the spectacular event called the World Cup. It is said to be causing a lot of noise pollution. It makes a sound as that of a million bees, however some people can make music out of it. The South Africans, however, want to keep allowing the use of the vuvuzela as they believe that the trumpet gives the real taste of South African soccer. Please see the related link for more on vuvuzelas.

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The Olympic Games or the soccer World Cup depending what you mean by championship.

What is the world cup in soccer?

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Why is soccer in the Olympic Games?

Because is one of the most popular game in the World.

Where can you find the line up for the world soccer games?

you can find the lineups at

Most soccer world cup games won by a player not a team and games not titles?

y u askin me

Which team in history of fifa soccer world cup won the most games?

Brazil have won the most games.

Is Spain better than Brazil at soccer?

spain won the soccer world cup 2010 and it is winning several games so, spain