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They have a hair code because they want to look like the respectable men that they are.

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So their hair does not block their eyes.

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Q: Why do the New York Yankees have to shave and have a clean hair cut?
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Can a new york employer demand an employee to shave off facial hair?

Yes. For example the New York Yankees have had a no facial hair policy for many years.

What do you do to grow facial hair?

You regularly clean, massage and shave your facial hair to stimulate growing..

Can you prevent your leg hair from growing?

no you can't , but yo can shave it or clean or get it lazered

What is the hair that men shave off their faces?

Facial hair is the hair that men often shave off their faces, including the beard, mustache, and sideburns. Men typically shave their facial hair to maintain a clean, groomed appearance or to adhere to cultural or professional norms.

Do women find black men sexier clean shaven or with facial hair?


What can you do to have a clean hair test?

shave your head and stop smoking now. OR Stop using

How long is shrooms stay in your hair?

It will stay for months in your hair and if your really worried shave your hair like Mr. Clean and you'll be golden

To the wiki men out there do you prefer women in her down south area to have hair just a little hair or no hair you know what I mean?

I can only speak for myself, but I say no hair. A clean shave is alot more attractive and your man is more likely to go down on you if you did shave.

Why do most men and women in ancient Egypt shave there hair or wore it short?

because they had an old belief that says if a person wants to be clean they have to shave their head off.

Can a New York Yankee have a mustache?

Yes. The Yankees allow players to have a mustache. The organization does not want players to have full beards and shoulder length hair. Currently I believe no facial hair is permitted for players on the New York Yankees.

Should you have short hair and clean shave to wear a suit?

Not necessarily. You can still look well in a suit without short hair and with a beard and/or moustache.

To cut hair with a razor?

to cut hair with a razor ... shave