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Q: Why did the rule of the czars end in revolution?
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When did the czars rule end?

i ended in 1917

What 1917 event put an end to rule by czars and established a communist government?

The February Revolution of 1917 in Russia put an end to the rule of the Tsars but it did not establish a communist government. The communist government was not established until later that year in the October Revolution.

In Russia what was the revolt that ended the rule of the czars?

The February Revolution of 1917 is the revolution that ended the rule of the Tsars. The October Revolution staged by Lenin and the Bolsheviks ended the rule of the Provisional Government rather than that of the Tsars.

What event ended the rule of the czars?

The workers, soldiers and peasants of Petrograd and other cities ended the rule of the Tsars by sparking the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia. Thousands of people took to the streets demonstrating against the Tsar's running of the war, his inability to end constant food shortages and his refusal to make land reforms. When Tsar Nicholas realized he had lost control of the military and could not stop the rioting in Petrograd and other cities, he abdicated the throne in favor of his brother Michael, who promptly refused it. The Provisional Government then took over. Lenin and the Bolsheviks did NOT end the rule of the Tsars. Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew Alexander Kerensky and the Russian Provisional Government in the October Revolution. The rule of the Tsars had already been ended eight months earlier.

What did the Bolsheviks end?

The Bolsheviks ended the rule of the Provisional Government in Russia by the October Revolution in 1917 then ended the lives of Tsar Nicholas and his entire family in July 1918.The Bolsheviks did not end the rule of the Tsar. The February 1917 Revolution is what ended that.

Related questions

When did the czars rule end?

i ended in 1917

What 1917 event put an end to rule by czars and established a communist government?

The February Revolution of 1917 in Russia put an end to the rule of the Tsars but it did not establish a communist government. The communist government was not established until later that year in the October Revolution.

In Russia what was the revolt that ended the rule of the czars?

The February Revolution of 1917 is the revolution that ended the rule of the Tsars. The October Revolution staged by Lenin and the Bolsheviks ended the rule of the Provisional Government rather than that of the Tsars.

What ended the rules of the czars?

The February Revolution of 1917 resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the setting up of the Provisional Government.The February Revolution, not the October (Bolshevik/Communist) Revolution ended the rule of the Czars. Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne on March 2 (Russian calendar; March 15 on the western Gregorian calendar), 1917. The Bolshevik/Communist Revolution occurred eight months after the Tsar stepped down ending the rule of the czars.

When did the czars start rule?

The czars ruled from the 16th century to 1917, WWI.

Policies of the czars?

ignite the full-scale revolution ?

What was the political significance of the February Revolution?

Czars were no longer in Russia

How did the policies of the czars help to ignite the full scale revolution?

The policies of the Czars helped to ignite the full-scale revolution by autocratic policies, harsh measures and resistance to change inflamed the masses.

What event ended the rule of the czars?

The workers, soldiers and peasants of Petrograd and other cities ended the rule of the Tsars by sparking the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia. Thousands of people took to the streets demonstrating against the Tsar's running of the war, his inability to end constant food shortages and his refusal to make land reforms. When Tsar Nicholas realized he had lost control of the military and could not stop the rioting in Petrograd and other cities, he abdicated the throne in favor of his brother Michael, who promptly refused it. The Provisional Government then took over. Lenin and the Bolsheviks did NOT end the rule of the Tsars. Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew Alexander Kerensky and the Russian Provisional Government in the October Revolution. The rule of the Tsars had already been ended eight months earlier.

Who was responsible for leading the communist revolution in Russia that replaced the czars?

V.I. Lenin

Before the Communist revolution what was the name given to the male rulers of russia?


How did policies of the czars help ignite the full scale revolution?

The policies of the czars, such as their autocratic rule, suppression of political dissent, ineffective handling of social and economic issues, and failure to address widespread poverty and inequality, created grievances and discontent among the Russian population. These factors ultimately contributed to the full-scale revolution in 1917, as the people sought to overthrow the oppressive and outdated system of czarist rule.