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Q: Why did the communists kill the tsar?
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Why did communists kill czar Nicholas?

He was a threat to their power and communists usually hate monarchs such as kingd and czars

What took Russia out of World War?

Because communists took over the control of Russia from the Tsar. Communists were against war with Germany and hence agreed to end the war with Germany after they took the reign of Russia.

What happend to tsar Nicholas's family?

After the two Russian Revolutions, they were put under house arrest in Siberia. However, after the Civil War began, the ruling communists had the family assassinated so the Tsarists fighting them to restore the tsar would have no tsar to champion.

Who was tsar Nicholas' son?

which Tsar Nicholas are you talking About. Tsar Nicholas I sons were Tsar Alexander II,Grand Duke Constantine Nikolaevich, Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich,Grand Duke Michael Nicolaievich of Russia. Tsar Nicholas II only son was Alexei (sometimes called Alexis). He has a deadly Disease that could kill him at anytime he bumped or bruised himself.

Why kill the whole family of the tsar?

so now one could rule the throne and hatred

What revolution happened in 1917?

The Russian Revolution occurred in 1917. There were actually two revolutions, the February Revolution, when the Tsar was overthrown and the October Revolution, when Lenin and his Bolsheviks/Communists took over.

What did Mussolini use to kill people?

He used secret police to root out anti-fascists, socialists, and communists.

What nicknames does Mike Tsar go by?

Mike Tsar goes by The Tsar.

What was a Tsar?

A tsar was a Russian emperor.

Is it spelled Tsar or Czar?


What has the author G K George written?

G. K. George has written: 'To kill a tsar' -- subject(s): Fiction, History

Explain the causes and outcome of Russia's civil war?

Russia's civil war occured after the communists took over and ended Russia involvment in World War I. The royalist who supported the czar tried to overthrow the communists. Of course, they failed and strengthened the communist hold, at the costs of many lives on top of the World War I death toll.