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The choice to name the Redskins this way occurred roughly a century ago, when the term was not viewed as being racist.

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Q: Why did the Washington Redskins choose the racist term Redskin as their name?
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Is the term redskin a racism?

The term "Redskin" was probably a negative racist term when it was used by the whites in the 1600s through the 1900s. It is not a term used today. But in the previous centuries white man and woman were afraid of the Native Americans and were amazed at how dark the skin of the Natives was. They claimed it looked like redskin (meaning very tan). Eventually many did refer to the Indians with vehemence as "Redskins". But the reference wore off over time. If you say "Redskins" today you are referring to a sports team not the color of the skin of the Indians.

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Native Americans were called "redskins" due to the reddish color of their skin. Now it is to be considered a racist term.

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Washington D.C, that's were the KKK started. J.C.P Well, J.C.P, Washington D.C isn't a state (first off)...and the KKK originated in Indiana (historically and factually speaking) for claiming which state is the most racist...that's a pretty funny question to begin if there is a box you can check on the US Census form "are you a racist" and "if so, racist towards..." Every state could claim the prize (even Hawaii) and in the same breath be lauded for their "forward thinking"'s a question that truly cannot be answered... DB

What were some reasons men and women choose to join the KKK?

maybe because they're racist and because they hated different colored people

What problems did John Adams face while being president?

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