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The Palestinian group Black September attacked the Israeli Olympic Team in Munich in 1972 in order to gain attention for the plight of Palestinians in the Palestinian Territories. They were successful in this regard because after they butchered unarmed Israeli athletes, the world finally began to notice the Palestinians.

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Q: Why did the Palestinians attack the Israeli Olympic Team?
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When was the terrorist attack of the israeli olympic team?


Who did the Palestinian terrorist take hostage in 1972?

Some of the Israeli Olympic team. They murdered 11 Israeli athletes and coaches and a German policeman

Can you explain what Minich massacre was?

Munich Massacre was an attack that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics held in Munich, Germany. 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed by the group Black September.

Cause of Munich Massacre?

The munich massacre happened at 4 30 in the morning, on September 5 during the 1972 Olympic Games. Entering a hotel in which Israeli athletes were staying, 8 Palestinian terrorists emerged to the door of the athletes, making noise a 135 kg referee heard was going on and threw his body weight against the door, allowing numerous athletes and assistants to escape. Moments later the Palestinians broke in on a rampage. They killed two members of the Olympic team and held nine others hostage. The situation ended with a grousome gunfight ending with 5 of the terrorists and all of the hostages dead!blah blah blah..Israeli people were killed for the incentive of letting 234 Israeli prisoners and 2 German prisoners by 9 a.m.see Stephen Speilberg's movie 'Munich' for greater detail.

What happenned in the munich massacre?

Nine people from the Israeli Olympic Team were taken hostage then killed by the terrorist group Black September.

What happened at the 1972 games?

A terrorist group, Black September, killed 11 members of the Israeli team (Jewish athletes and coaches) at the Olympic Village in Munich.

What was the biggest terrorist attack at the Olympics?

It was the summer Olympics in Munich Germany in 1972. A terrorist group took hostage and killed the Israeli athletic team. I was living in Germany at the time and watch it take place alive on TV. It was a major event in Olympic history and things are done today because of this event.

Which team won the Israeli Ligat ha'Al in 1985?

The team that won the Israeli Ligat ha'Al in 1985 was Maccabi Haifa.

Why wasn't the Munich Olympic games stopped in 1972?

After the atrocity was committed, the Games were suspended for a day but then resumed. International Olympic Committee President Avery Brundage and several other high ranking officials believed that the Games could not allow terrorists to halt them and ordered the Games to continue. This action was endorsed by the Israeli government and Olympic team.Several countries withdrew their athletes after the attack. The Israeli team and many Jewish athletes from other countries left for fear of another attack. The team from Egypt left for fear of retaliation. The teams from Algeria and Philippines also left.It is hard to argue against either thought ... allowing the Games to be stopped due to the heinous acts of some or allowing the Games to continue after such an act was committed. Regardless, the final days of the 1972 Summer Olympics were competed by athletes whose minds and hearts were not fixated on the events that they had trained years for. The Olympic dream turned into a nightmare thanks to those bent on destruction.

Which team won the Israeli Ligat ha'Al in 1980?

The team that won the Israeli Ligat ha'Al in 1980 was Maccabi Nethanya.

Which team won the Israeli Ligat ha'Al in 1984?

The team that won the Israeli Ligat ha'Al in 1984 was Maccabi Haifa.

Which team won the Israeli Ligat ha'Al in 1983?

The team that won the Israeli Ligat ha'Al in 1983 was MMaccabi Nethanya.