Lenin was provided passage to return to Russia in 1917 by the German government, who saw him as a disruptive force that could weaken Russia's war effort during World War I.
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of Russia from 1917 to 1922. He was a communist, and he turned Russia into the Soviet Union. Lenin was predecessor to Stalin.
Jules, Martov, and Nadezhda Krupskaya, and others who's names are unknown.
Vladimir Lenin was not in Russia during the March 1917 Revolution. With the help of Germany he returned to Russia in April of 1917. At this time with the Czar no longer in power, Lenin announced that Russia was the freest of all the belligerent nations in World War One. The center Bolshevik newspaper, Pravda was now published openly.
in 1917
Lenin was provided passage to return to Russia in 1917 by the German government, who saw him as a disruptive force that could weaken Russia's war effort during World War I.
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of Russia from 1917 to 1922. He was a communist, and he turned Russia into the Soviet Union. Lenin was predecessor to Stalin.
Jules, Martov, and Nadezhda Krupskaya, and others who's names are unknown.
Vladimir Lenin was not in Russia during the March 1917 Revolution. With the help of Germany he returned to Russia in April of 1917. At this time with the Czar no longer in power, Lenin announced that Russia was the freest of all the belligerent nations in World War One. The center Bolshevik newspaper, Pravda was now published openly.
Lenin returned to Petrograd in April, 1917.
in 1917
If you mean during WW1, while the Provisional Government was in control of Russia, Lenin returned to Petrograd on the 16th April with the help of theGerman government (because the Germans figured that if the Bolsheviks were in power of Russia, they'd withdraw from the war and even if they failed to seize power, the turmoil in Russia could only help Germany's war aims).
April 16 1917
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Ilyanovich Lenin.
Vladimir Lenin was the first communist dictator of Russia after the 1917 revolution.
The leader of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 was Vladimir Illych Lenin.