Wayne Gretzky played his last game in April of 1999 in New York City.
Wayne Gretzky with 2857 pts:-)
Kim Gretzky,Keith Gretzky,Glen Gretzky,Brent Gretzky
Phyllis and Walter Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky isn't dead. Not yet anyhow and hopefully not for a while
Wayne Gretzky played his last game in April of 1999 in New York City.
Wayne Douglas Gretzky.
Wayne Gretzky's birth name is Wayne Douglas Gretzky.
Wayne Douglas Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky was never drafted
Wayne Gretzky
No Messier was with the Rangers when they won the '94 cup. Gretzky wasent on the team at the time
Wayne Gretzky with 2857 pts:-)
Wayne Gretzky was born on January 26, 1961.
Wayne Gretzky Hockey was created in 1988.
Wayne Gretzky Drive was created in 1969.
Wayne Gretzky is very good at sports