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Significant changes weren't fully implemented until 1929 with the end of NEP (New Economic Policy). When Lenin died, Stalin continued this policy while instituting what is called Collectivization. It was a manner with which to collectively bring all aspects of life under the control of the government to ensure stability and efficiency of all aspects of agriculture and industry. Industry was already highly controlled by the Bolshevik government since they always stood for the workers, but they viewed the peasants, profiting off their farms while the workers starved as being unjust. They therefore collectivized the farmland and turned the farms into agricultural factories. All of Soviet society was made to run like a machine (in theory). When considering Lenin and Stalin, changes can be seen in the institution of NEP in the first place as Lenin had begun to decline in health and Stalin capitalized on his weakened state by assuming the prime role of leadership in the party... Stalin's changes to agriculture and industry have nothing to do with Lenin, merely another example of Stalin manipulated the situation to meet his own needs.

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Q: Why did Stalin immediately begin to change agriculture and industry after succeeding Lenin in 1924?
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What initiatives did Stalin undertake concerning industry and agriculture?

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What describes Joseph Stalin's economic policies?

Joseph Stalin's economic policies included growth in industry with agricultural famine. His economic policies also included collective agriculture.

What best describes Joseph Stalin's economic policy's?

Growth in industry but agricultural famine Collective agriculture

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Stalin modernized agriculture in the Soviet union through?

Through the collectivization.

What best describes Joseph's Stalin's economic policies?

Growth in industry but agricultural famine Collective agriculture

What initiatives did Stalin undertake concerning industry?

he didnt

Joseph Stalin's economic policies?

Joseph Stalin had three economic policies. The policies are as follows: Socialism, the Five Year Plans, and the Collectivization of Agriculture.

What were the methods used by Stalin to bring agriculture to state control?

The introduction of 'Collective farming' .

What was Joseph Stalin's economic policies?

Growth in industry but agricultural famine.