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After 70 years of the command economy, most Russians had never known any other kind, and therefore did not know what to do in a free market; those who did tended to use their expertise to unfair advantage, creating vast and corrupt commercial empires. I would add that any complete economic transformation is going to be difficult; it is simply a huge undertaking, and as such is bound to run into difficulties. The previous transformation of Russia in 1917 from a free market to a command economy didn't go very smoothly either.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Russia change from capitalism to communist during the Russia revolution. the war between the red(Bolsheviks) army and the white army(democrat,tsarist imperial army, mensheviks, and other who were against the Bolsheviks). the Bolsheviks won the war then rename themselves communists and soon would became rulers of Russia.

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14y ago

In the mid- to late 1980s, the new Soviet leadership headed by Gorbachev, increasingly saw the Soviet administrative command economic system and the totalitarian political system (referred to as Communist by the West, though not by Russians) as stagnant and inadequate to successfully compete with the Western democracies.

Gorbachev initially expected to revitalize the economy and public life by injecting a healthy dose of market economy and democratic freedoms while retaining overall control of the Communist party and the central government (something, incidentally, that China has so far been successful at). But events quickly got out of his control, and by 1991 the USSR collapsed, and former Soviet republics, including Russia, were firmly on the path of market economy, though with some local flavors.

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3y ago

Russia (USSR) was never Communist, which would mean a classless stateless society based on production for use. The USSR was state capitalist, Russia is now private capitalist.

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15y ago

A market economy is an economy for markets.

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14y ago

Russia went from communism to capitalism because Russian president Boris Yeltsin ordered the liberalization of foreign trade, prices, and currency to change the economy in Russia.

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13y ago

Went from a command economy to a free market economy almost as if it was democracy

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