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He was isolated by Stalin, and basically made a public enemy. Since he had little to no support from the Soviet government, he was easily over-powered.

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Q: Why did Leon Trotsky fail to gain power?
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Snowball is the definite 100% symbol for Leon Trotsky, just to clarify And this is how the story goes: Leon Trotsky was one of the leaders of the Russian Revolution, and grew to become very influential and powerful as a result, he was in charge of army command in the Russian Civil War (Reds vs Whites/ Commies vs. Czarists) Trotsky is overthrown by Stalin, who exiles him from the USSR and spoils his reputation. Stalin also removes any of Trotsky's honors and positions of Government, he gives everyone in the USSR the notion that Leon Trotsky was bad for the Revolution. Leon's assassination was said to have been orchestrated by Stalin, but that is a topic of debate. As you can see, Trotsky's story is remarkable similar to Snowball's: Snowball was one of the leaders of the revolution against Jones. Snowball becomes a sort of hero to the Farm, and devotes his entire work to it. Snowball leads the Animals against Jones in the Battle of Cowshed. Napoleon overthrows Snowball and exiles him from the farm, and plants his tales of bad reputation in the Animals' heads. Snowball was never seen after he was exiled from the Farm.

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He was a communist, but he actually cared about his country. Leon Trotsky was going to be leader of the soviet union- but Stalin managed to lie to get him punished for crimes he didnt commit. If trotsky would have become leader the country would still be around, and Hitler would have been crushed within months of annexing austria.

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