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Lenin dismissed the Constituent Assembly because he feared that if it actually convened and created a new government, it would remove him and his Bolsheviks from power and institute a constitutional democracy. The Bolshevik Party only received 25% of the votes in the elections to the Assembly.

Lenin and his Bolsheviks were a minority party and did not have the general support of all of the people and other political parties. Members of the Constituent Assembly had been elected before the Bolshevik Revolution and contained many members who were opposed to Bolshevik rule. More members of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Menshevik Party had been elected to the CA. The Bolsheviks would have been outvoted on any issue and thrown out of power, so Lenin had to dissolve the CA or face being stripped of his power.

Lenin used the excuse that the elected members were either improperly elected or were counter-revolutionaries and should not be part of creating a new government. The charges were untrue but he made them anyway and dismissed the CA.

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Q: Why did Lenin dismiss the Russian Constituent Assembly?
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What was the dissolution of the constituent assembly?

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Of course.

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Lenin was part Mongol, Jewish, Swedish and German. He was not Russian at all as far as ancestry goes.

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