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Q: Who won the presidency from an incumbent for the first time in US history?
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What are the advantages of a House incumbent vs Senate incumbent in the election cycle?

Because the House of Representatives has a term of two years and must run another election campaign to maintain his or her seat, this is a disadvantage compared to an incumbent senator. A senator has a term of six years and has more time to develop a strong voting base to help ensure his or her reelection.

What where the First three months of New Deal?

The first three months, or the first one hundred days, was actually the first three months of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency. This is when he did the most to help the economy. He passed a lot of bills and started the majority of his programs in this time.

If the President and the VP are assassinated at the same time WHO assumes the presidency?

Speaker of the House

What was the colour of flag which was used first time in Islamic history?

There was no special color but traditionally black, green etc were used from the early times in Islamic history.

John Tyler's precedent?

William Henry Harrison died a month into his presidency, and so the vice president at the time, John Tyler, was sworn into office. This was the first time this had happened in US history, so he set the precedent. This is what we call John Tyler's precedent--having the vice president become the president in the event of the current president's death. Many years later in the 1960's, this precedent became doubtlessly constitutional with the ratification of the 25th amendment which basically sets the standards for succession to the Presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, as well as responding to Presidential disabilities.

Related questions

Is someone who is running for the first time an incumbent?

No, an incumbent is a person already holding the office and running for re-election.

Why was the 2008 presidential election different from the past?

It was the first presidential election since 1952 in which neither the incumbent President nor the incumbent Vice President was a candidate.It was the first time since 1984 that a major-party vice-presidential candidate was female.It was the first time we elected someone whose ancestry is only 50% European.

What percent of the time does the incumbent win?

I heard it is as high as 80% of the time

Is this obama's first time running for president?

Yes, this is the first time obama has run for the us presidency since he became us senate in 2004.

Who were the presidents that failed the first time around and later won the presidency?

Richard M. Nixon is one.

What is an incumbent in terms of political offices?

An incumbent is an elected official who currently holds an office. As an example, in the Lincoln - Douglas debates for the senate seat in Illinois, Douglas was the sitting senator who held that senate seat at the time of the debates. He was thus the incumbent.

What is the period of time before history?

There wasn't one. History started with what happened first. From when the first living thing was on Earth. History is how our planet was made. Everything you do is history.

Who that was not part of the first preidency of the Mormon church dedicated a temple?

The original Nauvoo Temple was dedicated May 1, 1846 by Orson Hyde, who was never a member of the First Presidency. At the time, he was an Apostle. The Manti Utah Temple was dedicated May 21, 1888 by Lorenzo Snow, who was not at that time a member of the First Presidency, but later became the President of the Church. Regina Saskatchewan Temple was dedicated November 14, 1999 by Boyd K. Packer, who has never been a member of the First Presidency, but was Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at the time.

Who was the most recent president who when elected to the presidency it was the first time he had ever been elected to office?

General Dwight David Eisenhower.

What president introduced daylight saving time?

The United States first observed Daylight Saving Time during the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson, during World War I.

The rise of nationalism during Monroe's presidency was called?

We call that the 'Era of Good Feelings'. There was little to no opposition to his administration at that time in Early U.S. history.

Why is Barack Obama and his presidency historically significant?

It is the first time that there is a "black" man as president of the United States... mind you that Obama is hafe white as will...