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Q: Who won the first pro basketball game Trenton or Brooklyn?
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Related questions

Where was the first basketball game?

The first professional Basketball game ever played was in 1896, in Trenton, New Jersey.

What 2 teams played the first basketball game?

the Toronto huskies and the New York knickerbockers

What sport's first official game was played in Trenton New Jersey in 1846?

On Nov. 7, 1896, the Trenton YMCA team became the first basketball players to go out on their own and turn professional. Clad in distinctive uniforms - red, sleeveless shirts, black padded knickers, wool stockings and high-top gym shoes - the Trentons won their first game against the Brooklyn Y, 16-1.

What is the capital of New Jerseythe state where the first basketball game took place in 1846?

Trenton is the capital city of New Jersey.

What is the capital of new Jearsy the state where the first basketball game took place in 1846?

Trenton is the capital city in the U.S. state of New Jersey.

First basketball game?

first organized basketball game

The first basketball game ever?

The first basketball game was in Springfield,Massachusetts in 1891.

What was the first basketball game made for xbox 360?

I believe the first basketball game available for the Xbox 360 was the NBA Basketball 2K6.

How many fans were in the first basketball game?

Its said that there were about 190 people at the 1st basketball game which was a high school basketball game.

What is the first basketball used in the first basketball game ever?

a wilson jet

Where was the first professional basketball game played?

A basketball game is broadcast for the first timeDate: February 28, 1940Place: Madison Square GardenThe story behind the event: Fordham University played the University of Pittsburgh in the first game of a double header as Pitt won 50-37. W2XBS showed the game in New York City. Today, basketball on TV has become so popular that there's an entire network devoted to it, NBATV. By the way, only one camera was used in the first televised game in the history of basketball.information:

What games come from Trenton NJ?

Baseball comes from here. At least the first game was.