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The name of the judges (of which there were about ten it is unclear how many there were exactly) was the Hellanodikae. They supervised the events, and also the oath that the athletes took, prior to competing. This oath was to certify in front of an ebodyment of Zeus, that the athlete had been in training for ten months. This was in fact the entire year during the ancient dynasties. (July was added by Julius ceasar and another was added by a subsequent emporor.)

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15y ago

Judges were drawn from Elis, the local region which included Olympia. Over the years the judges increased to 10 as more events were added.

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People appointed by the sponsor city-state of Elis.

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12y ago

the ancient Greek o;Olympic judges were Greeks from Elis, because they were trust worthy and anyone would be shocked if an Elean was caught cheating.

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