Men's Singles -
1) Tony Benshoof - finished 8th
2) Chris Mazdzer - 13th
3) Bengt Walden - 15th
Men's Doubles -
1) Christian Niccum and Dan Joye - 6th
2) Brian Martin and Mark Grimmette - 13th
Women's Singles -
1) Erin Hamlin - 16th
2) Julia Clukey - 17th
3) Megan Sweeney - 22nd
At the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver, there were 3 athletes representing India ... Shiva Keshavan in luge, Tashi Lundup in cross country skiing, and Jamyang Namgial in alpine skiing.
You Mostley wear a tight bodyish suit with glasses and a sled and you should be good to go
Yes, she was the only athlete, male or female, to represent Australia in luge at the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. Hannah finished 23rd in ladies singles.
1 person.....the person from Georiga (the country) who passed the other day....poor guy
Luge is a Winter Olympics competition. WATCH THE OLYMPICS!
The last Winter Olympics that Shiva Keshavan competed in was the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. He has represented India in luge competition at the 1998, 2002, 2006, and 2010 Winter Olympics.
luge is a winter Olympics event, the Beijing Olympics were the summer Olympics
Four athletes have died during the Olympics: Kazmierz Kay-Skrzypeski, luge - 1964 Winter Olympics at Innsbruck Ross Milne, alpine skiing - 1964 Winter Olympics at Innsbruck Nicolas Bochatay, speed skiing (demonstration) - 1992 Winter Olympics at Albertville Nodar Kumaritashvili, luge - 2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver
The luge WAS in the 1964 Olympics at Innsbruck!! In fact, it was the first year it was held.
Switzerland is involved in luge in the Winter Vancouver Olympics.
the luge has been in the winter olympics since 2000
There are Moldovan athletes entered in the 2010 Winter Olympics for Alpine skiing, (Urs Imboden, Christophe Roux), biathlon (at least six athletes), and luge (Bogdan Macovei).
The sporting events that Italian Athletes are competing in for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics are Bobsled, Cross-Country, Figure Skating, Luge, Speed Skating, and Luge. As of today, Italy has one a silver metal in cross-country and two bronze medals in Luge and Nordic Combined.
Luge is a Winter Olympics sport. The sport has been included in the Winter Olympics since 1964.