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John J Pershing

Was the leader of the American Expeditionary Forces.

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John J. Pershing

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Q: Who was the leader of the AEF during World War 1?
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Who was the Russian revolutionary leader during World War I?

Vladimir Lenin was the Russian revolutionary leader at the end of World War 1.

Who was the leader of japan during world war 2 in war?

Emperor Hirohito.

Who was the leader of Hispania?

Fransico Franco was the leader of Spain during World War 2.

The soviet leader during world war 2 was?


Who was Germany's president during the World War 2?

The German Fuhrer (leader) during World War 2 was Adolph Hitler.

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Who was the leader of the American armed forces during the 1st World War?

Major General John J. 'Black Jack' Pershing commanded the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) during World War 1. He was in command for the war's entirety.

What does AEF stand for in World War I?

(AEF) STANDS FOR American Expeditionary Force it was part of (ww1) world war (1)

What was the name of the American Troops during World War 1?

The American Expeditionary Forces or AEF were the United States Armed Forces sent to Europe in World War I.

Commander of the AEF?

During World War I, the AEF (or, American Expeditionary Force) was commanded by General John J. Pershing. A career officer in the American Army with a reputation for bravery and leadership ability, Pershing was successful in forging the AEF into a highly organized, well-supplied, and generally effective fighting force on the war's Western Front.

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Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II.

Who was the real world leader in Japan during World War 2?

Hideki Tojo was the leader of japan in world war 2.

Who was the leader during World War 1?

There was no single leader during WW1. Each country had their own leader.

Commander of AEF in Europe during great war?

the answer is John L. PershingBy Zozo

Who was the leader of Russia during World War I?

Tsar Nicholas II was the leader of Tsarist Russia in World War 1.

What did Antonia salandra do when it came to the WW1?

Antonia Solandra was a leader in Italy during world war I. Antonia Solandra was a leader in Italy during world war I.

The American Expeditionary Force AEF was the name given to the US military who fought in this war?

World War I