The first man to play softball is named George Hancock. The first thing he played with in the game of softball was a boxing glove for a ball and a broom handle for a bat.
I play softball so i should know ! The fastest pitch ever thrown by a woman was 80 something mph.
it is a proven fact by jennie finch a USA olympic player that softball is harder to play than baseball.
Manon Rheaume
Jahad Alihen Ahmad
George Hancock developed and published the standard rules for softball in 1889. He invented the game in 1887, and the first softball game was indoors.
The first women to play softball was Jennie Finch in 1952.
when she was 35
The first women's softball team was formed in 1895 at Chicago's West Division High School.
As a softball player myself, my friend plays first. But, leftys can really play any position. first is most common.
Woman could play many sports! Tennis Softball Field Hockey Soccer Basketball ANYTHING BOYS CAN DO GIRLS CAN DO BETTER! Woman can do any sport but baseball as a woman
The game of softball was first seen at a football game between Harvard and Yale. It was on Thanksgiving Day in 1887.
You play softball in the spring and in the summer!
You play softball in the spring and in the summer!
To play softball
You should play softball if it is a sport that you enjoy.