there was not a team at first, cheer leading was created by a college male. He got in front of everyone alone and started cheering for his team, over time more guys started to join in and they eventually made a team.
Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman doctor.
Each religion has its own myths. To the Greeks, Pandora was the first woman; to the Hebrews, Eve was the first woman.
The first woman vicar in the UK was Ayesha , the most idoit woman in the entire history !
yes she was the first woman doctor
The first woman to work for NASA was Nancy Boggess.
Johnny campbell
The first African-American girl to play soccer is Briana Scurry.
There is no restriction on time served. In 2010, for example, veteran Cowboys Cheerleader Trisha Trevino successfully auditioned for a sixth season on the squad.
the accidental cheerleader
the old lady
when a cheerleader has got her uniform on ask her "would you happen to be a cheerleader"? also be yourself or be hot ... depending on the cheerleader
Cheerleader outfits can be purchased from many online stores. Some of these stores are eBay, Amazon, Delights, First Cheer, Twenga, Sportserve and Escapade.
She was a cheerleader when she was younger.
Carla O'Neal
She used to be a cheerleader
The ISBN of "The Cheerleader" by Ruth Doan MacDougall is 9781585474179.