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General Contractor Lic.

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Q: Who was the contractor that built the metrodome?
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Did Chem Fab build the Metrodome?

They only built the roof

When was the Hubert Humphrey Metrodome built?

The Hubert Humphrey Metrodome is a Minneapolis sports venue, famed and named for it's dome-like shape. It was opened in 1982, having been built to replace the Metropolitan Stadium after it was declared too small for NFL's needs.

What good slogan for housing contractor?

Built right, morning, noon, or night.

Who can I hire to make a built in outdoor grill for me?

We had ours built by a local contractor. Although Home Depot will offer you a sub-contractor, they won't be inexpensive. I would highly recommend asking for recommendations from your friends about a local company.

Will homeowners insurance cover damages caused by structural defects?

No. If your house been built fairly recently, then the contractor who built your house may be lible for damages. If he is a licensed contractor, then he will (should!) be bonded, which should cover the damages.

How big is the metrodome?

if you are talking about the height of the MetroDome it is about 195 FT. tall that's about 16 stories

How long is the contractor's warranty for new construction foundations How long is the contractor responsible for repairing a bad foundation on a home that that contractor built Thank You!?

Differs from contractor to contractor and it is purely based on the understanding between the two entering into the legal talks. Normal wearranty period is 1-2 years Here it is a unspoken rule of one year...If he is a good contractor he will make it up to you.

How many homes does a single-family housing contractor build each year?

The typical home is built by a contractor who produces fewer than 25 houses each year

How do you spell metradome?


What date did the Minnesota metrodome open?

The Minnesota Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome opened on April 3rd, 1982.

What are the seats like at the Metrodome in Minneapolis?

The metrodome's seats are metal (i think). no cushion or anything, with cup holders on the arm rests.

Is the metrodome roof fixed?

Not yet