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no one is truly "the best player" but some names are Michael Jordan, kareem Abdul-jabbar and wilt chamberlain

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Q: Who was the best man ever to play the basketball?
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Was Hitler the best man ever?

Not exactly, more the opposite.

Who is the most important man associated with basketball?

It depends. The man whose name is most associated with basketball around the world is perhaps Michael Jordan. The man, for whom most people watch basketball shows numerically is probably Yao Ming. The best coach in the NBA world is maybe Phil Jackson. The most innovative player in the NBA was probably Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

How did Alexander the great become famous?

He was the basileus of Macedon

Who is the ugliest man to ever play Major League baseball?

Roland Office who played for the Atlanta Braves.

What happened December 7Th 1993?

Joseph Lyttle was born, the best man ever known to live.

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Unless you're just a man at basketball and you've never played, you're probably not gonna make it.. Haha, but you don't have to play before, you just have to be good enough.

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The best defense would probably be man-to-man to begin with. If the other team proves to be too much of a hassle with bigger guards, shift to a zone defense. Just see which one works better for your team.

What was the first play ever called?

Every Man

Why do you admire Michael jordan?

Famous basketball player.He was an extremely talented athlete; and since retiring he has been active in supporting a variety of good causes and charities.He's a man who gives more than he gets.

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God's best man is no body. He loves us equally.

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