Was it JohanCruff.
Trevor Francis, signed from Birmingham in 1979.
trevor francis. 1979
Trevor Francis was recognised as the first £1,000,000 player but the actual fee of the transfer was £999,999. Actually £1 short of the million pound mark. But Francis is still known as the 1 million pound playerTrevor francis. Birmingham to Nottingham forest 1 Million
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Amongst others, Tore Andre Flo
Dennis law
Duncan Ferguson, Dundee Utd to Rangers, setteled by a tribunual
Sol campbell was the first british player in 2001 to earn 100k a week.
Trevor Francis - was first 1 million pound transfer in 1978.. Not So!! Giuseppe Savoldi had been the world's first £1m player when he moved from Bologna to Napoli for £1.2m in 1975
Yes he was.
It was Trevor Francis.
Was it JohanCruff.
Trevor Francis, 1979
Trevor Francis, signed from Birmingham in 1979.