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The Hyksos people is the Egyptian name for the Hebrews.The name for Hebrew in Hieroglyphics is He-baru. I could be wrong on the spelling. Nonsense. The Hyksos were Asiatics. They invaded Egypt and were thrown out by Pharaoh Ahmose I in 1600BC. There was a suggestion that said that the Hyksos meant the Shepherd Kings, but that is not true. The word comes from He-Kasus, in Egyptian, which means Rulers from foreign lands. And the theory that said that they were the Hebrews is false. No evidence sustains this hypothesis. Alas, there is little on the Hyksos today for the simple reason that the Egyptians who fought against and won the Hyksos, have understandibly erased almost everything on them. It is supposed so because apparently their rule was harsh. But it remains unsure. I myself have been reading a lot on Egypt recently thanks to 2 interesting writers: Christian Jacq(trilogy of the Queen of Freedom) and Wilbur Smith (River god, the warlock.The latter I haven't read yet.) The latter author made the same mistake about the meaning og Hyksos. But otherwise it's an interesting piece of fiction.

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13y ago

Hyksos kings at Avaris: 1702-1699 B.C. Sheshi 1699-1690 B.C. Yakubher 1690-1660 B.C. Khyan 1660-1619 B.C. Apepi I 1619-1608 B.C. Apepi II or Khamudi.

Kings at Thebes: 1702-1689 B.C. Sobekemsaf 1689-1687 B.C. Nubkheperre 1687-1632 B.C. Tao I 1632-1631 B.C. Tao II 1631-1628 B.C. Kamose 1628-1603 B.C. Ahmose

Kings at Itj-tawy: 1724-1685 B.C. Senusret III 1685-1640 B.C. Amenemeht III 1640-1631 B.C. Amenemhet IV & queen Hatshepsut 1631-1628 B.C.

Abraham lives 1992-1817 B.C. Isaac 1892-1712 B.C. Jacob 1832-1685 B.C. Jacob enters Egypt age 130 in 1702 B.C. Joseph 1741-1631 B.C.

Global famine 1704-1697 B.C. (Genesis 41:57) Hyksos trade horses for bread. (Genesis 47:13-17) Horse skeleton found at Buhen Nubia dated to Senusret III's reign. Ahmose defeats the Hyksos in 1608 B.C.

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13y ago

In hieroglyphs the word is written hq xswt, meaning "rulers of foreign hill countries". These invaders had Semitic names very similar to those used by Canaanites, Amorites and Syrians; they worshipped Semitic gods such as Ba'al.

It is thought that they were comprised of many different Semitic peoples (perhaps with other groups included) and some may have originally been employed by the Egyptians as mercenaries.

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16y ago

Hyksos were asiatic people of the 17th BCE who invaded in the eastern delta of Nile a period that inisiated the second intermediate period of ancient Egypt.

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The southern Theban Egyptians rose up in a revolt against the Hyksos. Three successive kings, Seqenenre Tao, Kamose, and Ahmose, fought continuously against the Hyksos and were able to drive them out of Ancient Egypt.

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True. The Egyptians considered the Hyksos as foreign usurpers of the Egyptian throne. When the Hyksos were eventually driven out of Egypt, all traces of their occupation were erased. No accounts survive recording the history of the period from the Hyksos perspective, only that of the native Egyptians who evicted the occupiers. However, conversely, the use of Egyptian names and symbols in the hieroglyphics of later Hyksos rulers indicates that the Hyksos considered themselves relatively Egyptianized.

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