Well, Naismith was a dumb man so whocares lets play ping-pong booom
She was tutored by Mary Somerville in science and she knew that she wanted to invent a computer program so her mother always told her to follow her dreams.
he was adicted in atoms Albert Einstein did not invent the atomic bomb. It was invented by Leo Szilard.
Basketball was created by Joe Naismith who was a gym teacher. He wanted to create anew sport for his boys to play in class because they were getting bored with soccer. So, he saw a peach basket, and thought to put it up on the wall. He told them to split into teams and one would try to get the soccer ball in the basket and the other team would try to guard them. Basketball has progressed over the years from that.
At the BUFFALO BILL HISTORICAL CENTER we were told it was named after him....Charles CHUCK Goodnight
James Naismith invented basketball when he was working at the Springfield YMCA in Massachusetts. His class was confined indoors because of snow and rain. The head of physical education at the YMCA, Dr. Luther Gulick, told him he had two weeks to create an athletically stimulating game to keep the class occupied that could be played indoors.
when James Naismith was told to invent a sport, he invented basketball. he wore regular shoes and threw a volley ball into a basket nailed to the wall. then someone went to the balcony and used a stick to get it out
Basketball started in 1891 by a YMCA instructor James Naismith told a janitor to hang some boxes from the gym balcony. the janitor couldn't find boxes so he hung baskets instead. (thats why its called basketball.
you told me to ask
A truth that's told with bad intent Beats all the lies you can invent Quote from William Blake
hey,I think his favorite sport is soccor because when i went backstage i asked him and he told me it was soccor or pole vaulting.that is what he told me but i don't remember that much
Sir Isaac Newton wanted to invent cause pablo the putty cat told him to blow up china.
William Blake
She was tutored by Mary Somerville in science and she knew that she wanted to invent a computer program so her mother always told her to follow her dreams.
he was adicted in atoms Albert Einstein did not invent the atomic bomb. It was invented by Leo Szilard.
Selena Gomez's favorite sport is basketball, But other people have said and Selena has told them this but they said her favorite sport is football. -Meg 101