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Lenin put his trust into Joseph Stalin at that time, to protect him. Stalin did the duty of shaving Lenin's beard and smuggling him to Finland.

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Q: Who shaved off Lenin's beard when he fled Russia in July 1917?
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What was Lenins view on the November revolution in 1917?

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Anastasia was killed in 1917 by the rebels who won the February revolution. The royal family was brought into a room and was given two chairs, being told that they were getting their picture taken. Instead men opened doors with guns and killed the entire family, this led to Lenins takeover of Russia

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Blood-Stained Russia - 1917 was released on: USA: 9 December 1917

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Russia. In 1917, Russia exited the war.

Who ruled russia before 1917?

The ruler of Russia in 1916 was Saint Nicholas II. Saint Nicholas II ruled Russia from 1894 to 1917. He was overthrown in 1917 and promptly executed.

Facts about Romanov The Royal Family of Russia when Russian Revolution of 1917?

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Darkest Russia - 1917 was released on: USA: 23 April 1917 Portugal: 3 June 1919

Who was the first communist dictator of russia after the 1917 revolution?

Vladimir Lenin was the first communist dictator of Russia after the 1917 revolution.

Which country left the war in 1917 due to revolution?

Its Russia