A troika of Joseph Stalin, Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev took power over Russia and the whole Soviet Union after Lenin died. Gradually, Stalin ousted all potential successors to Lenin one by one: Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, Nikolai Bukharin and Lev Kamenev until he was the only one left. Not until 1929 did Stalin have sole control over the Soviet Union.
The Russian Provisional Government headed by Prince Georgy Lvov and later by Alexander Kerensky ruled after the tsar abdicated in March 1917. In October 1917, the Provisional Government was overthrown and Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Party took over.
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of Russia from 1917 to 1922. He was a communist, and he turned Russia into the Soviet Union. Lenin was predecessor to Stalin.
Russia was a monarchy run by Czar Nicholas II until he abdicated the throne in March 1917. Then it was ruled by a government of ministers called the Provisional Government until the Communist takeover in October 1917.
Prior to people like Lenin and Stalin as well as Putin coming to power Russia was ruled by a system of Czars. In total the country had 19 Czars.
If one goes by the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks were leading Russia in March 1917. If one goes by the Gregorian calendar then in use by the western world, the Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky was leading Russia in the beginning of March 1917 then Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks did.
Lenin became Russia's leader because Nicholas II was kicked off the throne by Lenin's followers.
Vladimir Lenin is the communist leader who ruled Russia immediately after World War 1.
Josef Stalin
Lenin ruled from November 1917-1924. Trotsky never ruled on his own.
It was an empire ruled by a czar or tsar which is the Russian equivalent of a King. There was large differences in social class, with the czar living in grand palaces while the peasants starved. This led to the revolution led by Lenin. When Lenin died, Stalin seized control. Stalin was a fiercer dictator even though both Stalin and Lenin ruled as Supreme DictatorsANs 2 -The above answer is about Lenin, Stalin came later.
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of Russia from 1917 to 1922. He was a communist, and he turned Russia into the Soviet Union. Lenin was predecessor to Stalin.
Russia was a monarchy run by Czar Nicholas II until he abdicated the throne in March 1917. Then it was ruled by a government of ministers called the Provisional Government until the Communist takeover in October 1917.
Prior to people like Lenin and Stalin as well as Putin coming to power Russia was ruled by a system of Czars. In total the country had 19 Czars.
If one goes by the Julian calendar then in use in Russia, Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks were leading Russia in March 1917. If one goes by the Gregorian calendar then in use by the western world, the Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky was leading Russia in the beginning of March 1917 then Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks did.
Lenin became Russia's leader because Nicholas II was kicked off the throne by Lenin's followers.
The Provisional Government ruled Russia after the March Revolution. It was headed first by Prince Georgy Lvov then Alexander Kerensky. Lenin did not take over till after the October Revolution.
Tsar Feodor III ruled immediately before Peter I (the Great). Many other princes and tsars ruled before him - check Wikipedia for "List of Russian rulers".
Lenin and Communism was a complete diaster for Russia that it is only now recovering from.