Muhammad Ali, formerly Cassius Marcellus Clay fought against mamy great boxers. He must be regarded as possibly the greatest of all time. He fought against Sonny Liston twice I think, Joe Frazier 3 times, and Geoge Foreman twice I think in Title fights. He said he was the greatest. Few would argue....
To go against the Vietname War, Muhammad Ali and applied for Conscientious Objector exemption status from the draft, claiming status as a religious minister.
Possibly Ali Musliyar
Muhammad Ali was a great advocate for the civil rights movement. Ali spoke out against white domination. He was awarded the Otto Hahn peace medal for his contributions to the civil rights movement.
mohamed ali has 8 medals
He had four wives.
There are many boxers from a Muslim background. The most famous of Muslim boxers was the world heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali.
He was a great boxer. He also fought some unusual fights against non-boxers.
Spinks won their first fight, and Ali won the rematch.
Spinks won their first fight, and Ali won the rematch.
He was one of the world's greatest boxers
mohammed ali is the boxer in the world
Ali won the Heavyweight Title on 3 different times Ali first won the Heavyweight Title when he stopped Sonny Liston on February 25, 1964. Ali won the Heavyweight Title the 2nd time when he stopped George Foreman on October 30, 1974. Ali won the Heavyweight Title a 3rd time when he beat Leon Spinks in their rematch on September 15, 1978.
boxing. he won the world title 3 times, beating Charles "sonny" liston in 1964, george foreman in '74 and leon spinks in their '78 rematch. ali failed in a forth attempt against Larry Holmes in 1980
The rematch with Sonny Liston was his first fight after he changed his name.
he first regained it 30th oct 1974 against george foreman, then in his rematch with leon spinks 15th sept 1978.
don king
sonny liston, george foreman, joe frazier, and the leon spinks rematch