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Yogi Berra

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yogi Berra.

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Q: Who made famous the saying it ain't over till its over?
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Who made famous the saying it ain't over 'til it's over?

Yogi Berra.

What famous baseball player made the statement it aint over till its over?

It was Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra, who actually said the famous line when he was the manager of the 1973 New York Mets. The team made a dramatic comeback to win the National League pennant that year.

What is the best way to say its over?

Sos, but i just aint interested no more gal/man. Listen up yeah? i aint me yeah, its you. yeah.

Who sings party aint over until i get my groove on?

Kenne Wayne

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SS (super slow)... get over it BAB Batman aint savin the world... get over it

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They wrap their wings over their eyes aint weird

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if trainers that have legends why are they there to catch my opinion is no they aint coz they are powerful very powerful so trainers that have legends are noobs is like saying trainers that have magikarp are the best trainers ever Del Harrison over and out :D

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That's how they made the game.

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hello no Russia aint going to take over georgia the devil already went their to try it and im going to take over russia

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Linda Evangelista is a Canadian born model. She has appeared in over 600 magazine covers. She is famous for saying "We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day."

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