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Immediately after the revolution, Trotsky became the first Commissar of Foreign Affairs. Then at the outset of the Russian Civil War he became Commissar of War. He organized the Red Army in order to fight the opposing White Russian forces.

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Trotsky became Commissar of War after the revolution and commanded the Red Army forces in the Russian Civil War against the Russian White forces.

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Q: Who leader did Leon Trotsky work closely with after the Russian Revolution?
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Who was the leader the Red Army in the October Russian Revolution?

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How were Lenin and Trotsky linked?

Lenin was leader of Bolsheviks and Trotsky was second in command until Lenin died in 1924. Lenin had appointed Trotsky People's Commissar for External Affairs after the October Revolution. Then, when the Russian Civil War broke out, Lenin appointed him Commissar of War. Lenin had picked Trotsky over Stalin to succed him but Trotsky lost out to Stalin and others for the right to succeed Lenin. Stalin managed to expel Trotsky from the Communist Party and then from the country. In 1940, Stalin had a Russian agent murder Trotsky.

What role did Leon Trotsky play in the 1917 October revolution?

Leon Trotsky was not apart of the October Revolution. However he lead the Red Army in the November Revolution as a part of the Bolshevik Party.

What Russian leader does snowball most resemble in animal farm?

He represents Leon Trotsky.

Who was the soviet leader who was murdered in Mexico in 1940?

Leon Trotsky was murdered in Mexico by a Russian agent sent by Joseph Stalin in 1940.

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No Russian communist overthrew the Russian monarchy. The Tsar abdicated in March 1917 after the February Revolution. A non-communist Provisional Government was then set up. In October 1917, the Russian Communist leader overthrew the Provisional Government. The Russian monarchy had already been overthrown.

What was Leon Trotsky the leader of?

Leon Trotsky led the Petrograd Soviet at the time of the October Revolution in 1917. He also led the Red Army as Commissar of War during the Russian Civil War. He never did lead Russia or the Soviet Union at any time.